Environment, Social Responsibility and Governance

At Hall, we recognise the importance of contributing positively to the communities we work in, acting in an ethical and environmentally responsible manner, and meeting the needs of our stakeholders.

Environment, Social Responsibility and Governance

#Social responsibility

Generating local employment

Employing more than 200 people, Hall places a strong focus on offering employment opportunities to local workers in the communities in which we operate.

The majority of our projects are staffed using workers from the surrounding area, with up to 100 per cent of team members sourced locally.

Empowering local communities

At Hall, we believe it’s not only important to engage with local community members in the areas we work, but also to empower them wherever possible. Capacity building is particularly important in remote locations like areas of the Pacific Islands, where materials and equipment may not be easily accessible.

We pride ourselves on equipping residents in these areas with the skills and resources to maintain infrastructure over the long term, building self-sufficiency and resilience. One example of this is a project we undertook in Tokelau. Tokelau’s three coral atolls are some of the most isolated locations on the planet, and are only accessible by sea. Tasked with building four ramp and wharf structures, our team trained 25 Pacific Islander workers in marine civil construction, working in and around water, batch plant operations, welding and operating power tools and machinery. 

At the conclusion of the project, we provided marine civil machinery and a repair manual and training to ensure local workers could maintain the new infrastructure in the years ahead. Some Tokelauan team members were also empowered to build temporary seawalls for their community using their newly developed construction skills.

Providing equal opportunity employment

Hall is committed to providing equal opportunity in all aspects of employment, recruiting staff based on genuine merit and role suitability, without bias or prejudice.

We adhere to the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and endeavour to never discriminate against, exclude, harass or bully individuals.

We are extremely proud of the diversity within our workforce and welcome team members from all walks of life.

Offering career pathways and training

Hall has a long history of creating career and training pathways for students and those who have already entered the workforce. We have hosted more than 40 apprentices and trainees studying in a range of areas including diesel fitting and mobile plant technology, with many of these workers going on to obtain full-time employment with us after completing their formal training.

We also employ a range of undergraduate and graduate engineers, and provide opportunities for employees to upskill and diversify their skillset.

When working in communities where personnel with the required skillset may not be readily available, we regularly train local workers in areas such as (but not limited to) marine civil construction, plant operation and megafauna spotting. Such opportunities build capacity within communities which lasts long after the conclusion of a project. 

#Environmental responsibility

Hall is renowned for its environmentally conscious approach to projects, with our commitment to environmentally responsible contracting reflected in all aspects of the business.

We make every effort to maintain the delicate balance between responsible development and preserving the environment, and are proud to operate an internationally accredited Environmental Management System which is certified by Bureau Veritas to ISO 14001. We also employ an in-house Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC) to ensure all erosion and sediment control plans are of the highest standard and meet legislative requirements.

Our team has a strong track record in successful environmental management, having received numerous awards and nominations for the management of acid sulphate soils, works within sensitive marine environments and vegetation management.

Some of the areas Hall is experienced in include:

  • Fauna, flora and bio-security management
  • Vegetation translocation and reinstatement
  • Contaminated land management
  • Cultural heritage site management
  • Coastal land management
  • Acid sulphate soil management
  • Erosion and sediment control
  • Unexploded ordnance (UXO) site management
  • Waste minimisation – reducing, reusing and recycling

In addition to our environmental management capabilities, we are also passionate about minimising the impacts of climate change, and offer tailored climate change adaptation solutions to assist communities that are negatively impacted by rising sea levels and severe weather events.


Hall proactively engages in best-practice corporate governance, ensuring stakeholder management, risk management and corporate frameworks remain at the forefront of the business.

Corporate governance is managed at a range of levels within the company, from a formalised board of directors, through to the use of sub-committees and the integration of IT-based compliance systems.

Our board meets monthly with the intention of:

  • providing strategic guidance and effective oversight of management;
  • ensuring a balance of authority so that no single individual has unfettered powers; and
  • identifying areas of risk and ensuring arrangements are in place to adequately manage those risks.

The inclusion of shareholders as well as non-executive, independent directors and key managerial staff in internal decision encourages balanced and informed decisions.

Furthermore, members of Hall’s Risk Management Committee meet every quarter to challenge, review and maintain focus on our health, safety, environmental and quality protocols. Our dedicated work management software also enables us to track all work delivery and the performance of our safety, quality, environmental management and risk management systems.